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2019 Choices

As the New Year begins, instead of resolutions, I commit to personal choices.

Let me share a few…

I choose to honor my self and put myself first.

I choose to do whatever makes me feel good, what feeds my soul, whatever I enjoy and what brings me more joy.

I choose to write more and share more of my writing.

I choose to be a beacon of love, light, peace, outrageousness, joy, vibrant health, and well-being.

I choose to publish my memoir in 2019.

I choose to move more – exercise, walk, maybe even dance – even if it’s just dancing around the house.

I choose to use my voice to help raise my vibration and in doing so perhaps help others as well.

As I stop and think back over my life, I’ve been taking care of everyone else for as long as I can remember.

2019, is for ME. It’s my year! And, no, that is not selfish, it is self-love.

I see the people and things that have left my life, as a peeling away of the onion – releasing that which may in part kept me from achieving my soul’s purpose.

I am now free to fly at warp speed to complete my soul’s purpose.

I am the Phoenix rising out of the flames. Fortified. Renewed. Rejuvenated. Forged. Strong as titanium!

What are your choices for 2019?

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