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How to Ask Your Ancestors for Help

How to Ask Your Ancestors for Help

I’ve been asking my father for help lately.  Even though he’s been gone 24 years today, May 26, I feel confident he still hears me. How can I be sure? Stay with me for a little story…
(in this photo he’s 81 yrs. young)

The first weekend in February, there was a cold snap with minus 25-degree windchill. As luck would have it, a large pine tree fell across the power lines and the road. Without power for a day, even though I had all the faucets running, the pipes in my upstairs bath froze and burst. It flooded from the second floor through the living room below, straight down to the basement.

Since then, my home has been in disarray. The living room ceiling had to be replaced and the carpet removed.  My living room was reduced to subflooring.  The dining room has some of the living room furniture in it, and the upstairs bathroom is torn apart.  I don’t like living in Chaos, to say it was challenging would be an understatement.

Dealing with the insurance company was not easy, it took over 3 months to get a reasonable settlement. After the insurance settlement, when I was finally able to make the deposit for new flooring, the company told me that they were booking out into late July or August. More waiting. Ugh. Patience is not one of my strong suits.

I have used all my energy medicine tools, including Tapping. I’ve Tapped to release fear, stress, frustration, and anxiety. Tapping daily on whatever emotions/feelings arise, just as I encourage my students and clients to do.

Through all this, I’ve been calling on my ancestors, especially my father. “Daddy please help me get this all fixed and get my home restored.”

Two days ago, I received an unexpected call from the flooring company informing me that they moved my installation up to June 16-21. My father’s birthday is/was? June 21. I knew he had helped move up that date.

I’m grateful that my father heard me and came to my aid. Our loved ones are only a ‘call’ away – even if they are in spirit form.

Whenever you are in need, you can call on your Angels, and Ancestors for help. Remember, they cannot help unless you ask.

An article I wrote entitled Calling in the Ancestors During Challenging Times was published in Mike Dooley’s It will give you more information about how to call upon your ancestors for assistance.  I invite you to read it and give the practices a try and see what signs you receive in return.  I hope they make you smile, the way the flooring installation on my Father’s Birthday did for me.  Here is the link:

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