You will likely resist and fight this process. Your Soul will not care at all. It will continue to evolve without your input.
You will come out the other side unrecognizable to yourself. At which time, you will need to be gentle with yourself as you would be with a newborn.
Curiosity will be your saving Grace. Be curious about your becoming.
Time will disclose all the ways in which you changed.
Be amazed.
Let go.
Release any regrets, all guilt, and all grief from the past – for these do nothing but keep you stuck in the past – in your old life. You don’t live there anymore.
Embrace your new self. Dive into your new life.
Learn how to crawl, and walk, and navigate looking at the world with new eyes. Feel deep in your cells and explore the multitude of changes that have transpired on a quantum level.
You are reborn. And, you will be reborn again, and again, if you allow.
©2021 Victorea Luminary
*Excerpt from my work in progress memoir. #lifequotes #lifelessons #change #changequotes #personalgrowth #personalpower #metamorphosis #soulevolution