(f/k/a Andrea Mincsak)
I help you overcome whatever is holding you back
Narcissistic Abuse
Have you experienced narcissistic abuse trauma? Are you questioning why you attracted abusive people into your life? Do you feel like your dreams were dashed? Your innocence lost? Maybe you experienced abuse in the forms of childhood abuse or narcissistic abuse. Either way, you are in the right place.
I am a survivor of childhood abuse and narcissistic abuse and work with others who have, too. Did you know there are two types of narcissists?
- Overt – the in-your-face, yelling, arguing, threatening type. They may be abusive on one or more levels – physically, financially, emotionally, or mentally.
- Covert narcissist. Covert narcissists are, in my experience, more dangerous as you think they’re nice and therefore, don’t see it coming until it’s nearly too late.
You may find this blog post helpful: Is Mr. or Ms. Wonderful a Narcissist? What are the Red Flags?
I am lucky. I have survived both types. With the knowledge and experience I have gained, I work with others who have experienced trauma. Together we identify the core wound and release it through energy work (Soul Retrieval) and energy psychology techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT also known as Tapping.
When a client comes to me, I remind them of who they really are. How only a most powerful being would accept the soul lessons that the challenges they are experiencing bring. Great challenges provide us the opportunity to take giant leaps in our Soul’s evolution. Regardless of where you are now, I assure you that you are up to the task of releasing the illusion and stepping into the FULL EXPRESSION OF yourself.
They are often surprised to hear this because when they first come to me, they do not think of themselves as powerful, vast beings of light connected to God and the Universe. They often feel bent, bruised, and perhaps even broken. Yet, that is the illusion that helps them to begin the process of opening to their true radiance and divine gifts.
Are You Experiencing Illness?
Some of my clients, may, at the time we meet, be experiencing life-threatening illnesses and challenges that would crumble the best of us. They may be depressed and overwhelmed by life. They may have experienced narcissistic abuse, physical abuse, emotional or financial abuse.
They usually have tried every conventional route to get help. Finally, they come to me, often as a last resort.
What they get with me, is someone who cares, someone who listens without judgment, and who lends a helping hand to empower them on their healing path.
When they leave, they have fresh hope, and they feel better, physically, and emotionally.
They have taken the first steps on the road to recovery.
Healing Unspeakable Trauma and Assisting you in Growing Your Self-Love
I’ll say it again, you are a powerful being, powerful beyond measure, yet for a variety of reasons, you may not feel it.
In working with clients I have found trauma to be the root cause of many issues.
The trauma I experienced as a child of an alcoholic, and the trauma of being in relationships with narcissist personality disordered individuals, motivated me to search for answers, to find healing. I have devoted my life to healing, both myself and others, for more than 25 years I have stocked my “toolbox” with wisdom from all over the world. Studying and teaching Quantum Mechanics/Metaphysics, Natural Healing Methods, and the wisdom of the Inca Shamans, I assist folks, just like you, to safely delve deep to access the wisdom within and help you to transform the wounds. I have helped hundreds of clients and students, return to homeostasis so the body and mind could heal naturally.
Have you experienced unspeakable trauma, perhaps way back in your childhood or through a situation in your adult life? Maybe because of an illness, or an adverse event such as an alcoholic or chronically ill parent, or some other type of conflict in your home. Maybe you did not feel safe or loved while growing up. Trauma comes in a variety of ways. My original trauma came from the unpredictability of my alcoholic mother’s anger and rage.
Trauma can leave us emotionally wounded. Most of us suppress the deep pain of these wounds, but later in life, the pain often resurfaces in inappropriate ways at inappropriate times – maybe these wounds are now affecting or have affected your past relationships, your job, or your finances. Deep trauma may be the saboteur of your hopes, dreams, and desires.
If you are reading this, you are likely searching for answers. Searching for a way out of the pain, and healing, to succeed, to overcome the past traumas, and move forward in life feeling confident, powerful, and competent. If so, you are in the right place!
By uniquely integrating my broad knowledge base, I assist clients and students in achieving freedom from negative core beliefs (emotional wounds) and emotions and achieve their heart’s desires.
In addition to working with human clients, I also work with their fur family members. Tapping into the Quantum Field we access ultimate divine guidance – the highest and best possibilities and outcomes for you or your pet.
Together we co-create/dream your best possible world into being!
Emotional Freedom Technique:
I worked with a woman who felt overwhelming guilt for 12 years over her mother’s death from cancer. We began the session using intuitive healing and the Emotional Freedom Technique. She sobbed as she talked about her mother. She believed that she not only had disappointed her mother but in some way hurried her mother’s death along with her suggestions regarding treatment options. In just 20 minutes, we worked together and significantly reduced the level of guilt and grief she previously felt. The shift was palpable as she was able to smile as she remembered her mother. She left the session feeling much happier and lighter when she thought about her mother than she had in 12 years!
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SESSIONS: You are not impossibly hopelessly broken, but still you may feel pain, trauma, anxiety, and discomfort. I offer powerful, individualized sessions to help remove the negative beliefs that block you from achieving wellness and happiness. I will help you discover your gifts so that you can move forward quickly. The result? You will feel happier, lighter, freer, and more power to overcome difficulties than ever before.
These classes incorporate working with the angels, Emotional Freedom Technique, Eden Energy Medicine, Option Method, Usui, and Karuna Reiki and ancient wisdom of the Inca elders, Inca Energy Medicine. Students transform their lives and how they feel about themselves by releasing (gently) the negative blocks programmed by their past and live profoundly changed lives.
Sessions are powerful, yet gentle and fun. The results are long-lasting. Energy is not limited by distance, therefore we can work either in person, or over the phone, or via Skype. The results you experience are equally effective regardless of how we connect.
Click on the “Schedule Your Session” tab for more information on sessions.
If you would like me to speak to your group, please use the contact form on the contact tab.
What students are saying…
“Victorea’s classes are a unique opportunity to be seen. She creates a safe container for the work and the results are immediate and long-lasting. I will be joining subsequent classes and wholeheartedly recommend working with Victorea!” Hilary, an online student
After years of searching for the right teacher and the right class, I found it! The highlight of the class for me was tracking as an eagle. To soar as an eagle is awesome! Since the class, my confidence has grown. I feel I am headed in the right direction and have the tools I need to journey anywhere.
~ Cathy Steed, LMT, Yoga Teacher, Eddy, TX
“Victorea’s wise and compassionate approach to life is a joy shared with those who know her. Having completed my Reiki training with Victorea, I know her to be a naturally intuitive, gifted, professional healer and teacher possessing a dynamic commitment to enhancing the health and well-being of her clients and students.
With a luminous, informative style, Victorea has authored several articles, blogs regularly and is a perceptive and gracious guest for radio and television interviews. It is a pleasure to recommend Victorea to you – your life will be enriched for welcoming her into yours.”
~Mary O’Brien, Coordinator of Student Assistants, Processing, Exhibits & Programs, Library Assistant at College of Saint Rose
Victorea Luminary – Transformation Guide & Animal Whisperer