Victorea Luminary (Andrea E. Mincsak) Assists women in reclaiming their voice and their personal power. She is a survivor of both overt and covert narcissistic abuse.
She has 27+ years’ experience in the healing arts - Angel Intuitive, Shaman of the Inca/Peruvian lineage, Reiki Master/Teacher, Energy Medicine, and EFT/tapping. She uses her experience and training to assist women to develop or increase their self-love, transform the trauma of childhood and/or narcissistic abuse.
You can work with Victorea to develop a foundation for positive relationships through self-honoring, healthy boundaries, and self-respect at www.TakeBackYourPowerNow.com
Website: www.VictoreaLuminary.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VictoreaLuminaryWriter/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Shaman-Victorea-Luminary-142806805759771/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VictoreLuminary
Instagram: https://instagram.com/victorealuminary/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/victorealuminar/
Tumblr: https://luminary8.tumblr.com/