You are here on Earth at this time for many reasons, one of which is to accumulate experiences.

What if out of all of your experiences to date there have been no mistakes?

What if all of your experiences are neutral and maybe, just maybe, it is your judgment of these experiences that creates the cascade of negative emotions – stress, anxiety, regret, guilt and shame that has resulted in you feeling bad physically, and emotionally, and mentally?

How much better might you feel on all levels if you could simply appreciate all of your experiences without judging them in any way?

~Victorea Luminary

Victorea Luminary (Andrea E. Mincsak) Assists women in reclaiming their voice and their personal power. She is a survivor of both overt and covert narcissistic abuse. She has 27+ years’ experience in the healing arts - Angel Intuitive, Shaman of the Inca/Peruvian lineage, Reiki Master/Teacher, Energy Medicine, and EFT/tapping. She uses her experience and training to assist women to develop or increase their self-love, transform the trauma of childhood and/or narcissistic abuse. You can work with Victorea to develop a foundation for positive relationships through self-honoring, healthy boundaries, and self-respect at www.TakeBackYourPowerNow.com Website: www.VictoreaLuminary.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VictoreaLuminaryWriter/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Shaman-Victorea-Luminary-142806805759771/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VictoreLuminary Instagram: https://instagram.com/victorealuminary/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/victorealuminar/ Tumblr: https://luminary8.tumblr.com/